Success & Results

Students who collaborate with Ivy League Asia consistently achieve admission to their preferred colleges and graduate schools. You can do the same…

Your commitment

Hard work and passion always pays off

Read the success stories of our clients…

From Beijing to Yale.

Sophia Chen, a high school student from Beijing, was determined to challenge the formula-feeding culture in China and advocate for breastfeeding. Inspired by her volunteer experience at a maternity hospital, she launched a campaign called “Breast is Best” to educate mothers and the community about the benefits of breastfeeding. Despite facing cultural resistance and logistical challenges, particularly while volunteering in the Sichuan disaster zone post-earthquake, Sophia’s efforts began to shift attitudes and practices towards breastfeeding in her community.

Her unique focus on public health and women’s rights set her apart in her application to Harvard University. Highlighting her advocacy work, she was accepted into Harvard’s Public Health program with a scholarship, where she continued to expand her impact on a global scale.

Sophia’s journey from a local advocate to a global health influencer demonstrates the power of individual initiative in addressing public health issues. Her story serves as an inspiration for others to take action on matters they are passionate about, proving that determination and compassion can lead to significant change.

Application Boot Camp

As a senior-to-be, Charlie participated in Application Boot Camp, a program where he polished his college essays and fine-tuned his application approach. Hailing from Texas, Charlie excelled academically with a perfect ACT score of 36, placing him in the top 10% of his graduating class and earning him the distinction of AP Scholar with Distinction. With the guidance of Ivy League Asia, Charlie capitalized on his passion for East Asian art and his community activism to standout essays and compile a compelling application portfolio. His efforts paid off handsomely as he received acceptance offers from prestigious institutions including Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth, Columbia, UPenn, and Stanford.

Public School To Stanford

In 8th grade, David embarked on a journey through the Ivy League Asia Private Counseling program. Despite the challenges of attending a large public high school in an urban setting, he excelled academically, ranking within the top 5% of his class. Under the guidance of Ivy League Asia, David cultivated his passions for biology and environmental research, leading to significant accomplishments. By the time college applications rolled around, David had not only collaborated with a college professor to publish a literature review article on advancements in cancer treatments but also won a national STEM challenge and secured a patent for an innovative water filtration system. Furthermore, David actively promoted diversity in his community, working with a professional sports team to foster inclusivity among fans. With an impressive ACT score of 36 and five AP scores of 5, David’s exceptional achievements and dedication to his passions led him to choose Stanford University for his undergraduate studies.

A Greener Future

Emma, a high school student from Thailand, embarked on a mission to combat climate change through a community-driven reforestation project. Inspired by the beauty of rainforests and the devastating effects of deforestation she witnessed during a family trip, Emma dedicated herself to planting thousands of trees in her local area. With the support of her school’s environmental club, she organized planting events, engaged local schools and volunteers, and conducted educational workshops to raise awareness about the importance of trees in maintaining ecological balance.

The reforestation project not only contributed to carbon sequestration but also provided habitat for local wildlife and beautified the community. Emma’s initiative inspired neighboring communities to start similar projects, expanding the impact of her efforts. Despite facing challenges such as funding issues and logistical setbacks, her persistence and dedication led to the successful planting of over 10,000 trees across the region.

Emma’s leadership and commitment to environmental sustainability were highlighted in her application to Yale University, where she was accepted into the Environmental Studies program with a scholarship. Her reforestation project was a testament to her ability to drive change and make a tangible impact on the world, setting her on a path to continue advocating for environmental causes at Yale and beyond.